Ralph Hoyte

Ralph Hoyte

Ralph Hoyte


Ralph Hoyte is a Bristol-based soundartist, writer and poet. Hoyte idea-initiated the ‘the world’s first audio-play for an intelligent environment’, 1831 RIOT! in 2004 (Mobile Bristol, HP Labs) which was then co-written -directed and -produced with filmmaker Liz Crow. He co-founded Satsymph in 2011 with classical contemporary composer Marc Yeats and coder, audio-engineer and musician Phill Phelps. Hoyte specializes in writing for the voice and in composing epic narrative works such as ‘Christabel-Released’, his completion of ST Coleridge’s ‘Christabel’, or rendering historical research in ballad form as located audio (eg. ‘Romancing the Gibbet’ with UWE Regional History Centre).